01 February 2010

I got a membership at Anytime Fitness today. And ran for 23 minutes. Made it 2 miles. And wanted to throw up immediately after.

I'm compiling a list of reasons why this working out thing is a good idea.

1. I will become more fit. (so far nothing...)
2. I will relieve stress. (I'm more stressed about how I hurt all over.)
3. I will lose weight. (nope, not yet)
4. It will release endorphins and eventually become pleasurable. (don't believe it)

Before you say, "Well, Asa, you've only gone once!" which I'm sure you've already thought, I do have a limited grasp on reality and am aware of this fact. But I'm in pain, and I need an outlet. They said we could write about anything...

There is one very clear and present reason that I'm agreeing to work out 12 times a month (my insurance kicks in twenty bucks if I can drag my butt there 12 times). Soon after the 3rd annual St. Gary's New Years Eve party, pictures of the evening began surfacing on facebook, and I had a rather startling and unpleasant realization. My face has gotten fat. I have a fat face. Well, fatter than it once was. And this, this alone, may be the largest contributing factor to getting a gym membership. This is embarrassing to admit, but the truth is I'm admittedly lazy, and the pain of this realization is proving to be the catalyst for what will, hopefully, turn into an endeavor into better health.

So now I will be regularly be spending part of my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays with a veritable cornucopia of Duluth denizens all seeking to either lose a little weight, like myself, or and add a little muscle weight. I'm not sure I will have much of an opportunity to build any relationship with these fine folk as I was literally unable to form a sentence after I stepped off the treadmill today. What with the snot and sweat and heavy breathing, who can say if they would even be interested in a conversation.

I am finding that everyone has an opinion about the appropriate way to work out/lose weight/get fit. And I'm never quite sure who to take seriously and who to completely disregard. I've decided that I will not listen to anyone who is not actually in shape. If their advice was so worth taking why are they not taking it? And I don't buy, "Well, it worked at one time, when I was younger." Instead I will seek out physically fit individuals and grill them about diet, workout regimens, how to not fall off the elliptical machine, and whether or not it's normal to sweat so much that it looks like I just took a shower with my clothes on.