20 May 2014

Our mouths are full of blood

You have a little something on your lips, right there at the corners of your mouth, and I think it might be blood.  If I mixed a bit of blood with these words would it be enough to color your thoughts?  Let us not exsanguinate our meaning.

What would change if sinners traded places for a day?  I would make gluttony the sexy sin instead of the sin of sex.  If I was writing the rules for this event one such that I'd pen would read thusly:
     If you are the same size, or larger than any three Somali refugees you are not allowed to comment          on anyone's choice of sexual partner.  
Here is another:  If you eat more calories than a poor Ethiopian family gets in a whole week you are subject to picketing.  Festively festooned men and women waiting for you to leave Old Country Buffet to greet you with signs such as, "Jesus hates fat people", or "Burn Bertha Burn", or the catchy yet poignant, "Gluttony is a sin (pertinent Bible verse)".  

What a ridiculous picture I have just painted.  Of course someone should tell that man in lavender yoga pants holding the sign with graphic pictures of liposuction procedures that he shouldn't be picking at the toothpick in that fat lady's jowls while he has a 2x4 stuck in his.... eye.  It's stuck in his eye.  This being a totally original idea I will have to give some thought to the best way to phrase this. I haven't worked out all the wording yet. It being an original idea and all.

Could we restrict hate from our diets?  Just cut back a bit on our ignorance and hypocrisy.  Could we do that?  Without honesty and humility there is no possibility for meaningful discourse.   

When one person eats as much as a village, while the village starves to death.  I can see this.  It is apparent. It is also apparent that how I buy my food, where I buy it from, how it is grown, and how hard it is to get it to me also have effects.  I can see these things.  My choices add food to or take food out of other people's mouths.  

No consensual sex act short of rape, incest, or pedophilia has ever caused another human being to starve that I know of.  

Here is today's creed.  I will fail to live up to it, but I must try anyways.  

1.  Tell the truth, about myself and everything.
2.  Be humble.
3.  Be mindful of the consequences of every choice.  A choice can be small, but it can never be insignificant.

This is enough for today.