26 November 2013


Brittle boneyard of my soul.

Bleached and quiet.

Full of vacated moments.

I alone have time to examine
Yesterdays clouts painted on my arm
forced into now with a touch.
Time-travel violence.

I write to keep the fear outside.
My pen locks the door,
the paper
hides the key.
I sing the way I hurt inside.
Bruises of dark cursive on your ears.


  1. There are a few lines in here with a healthy blow to them, like a punch to the arm or a knee to the thigh. "Time travel violence." The thought of a bruise being a portal is a pungent concept. The cause of a bruise could potentially be a devastating scene to revisit. While the bruise exists, the power of that violent moment still poses a threat to the present.

    We'll done, sir. These lines are extremely compact expressions that can be unfolded indefinitely once unpacked.

  2. Thank you. Honestly it felt like shit trying to get this into a publishable form, and I don't think it's nearly there yet although I do like the ideas. I guess that's why we do this.

  3. agreed on both counts. i think an indefinite unpacking is due from you Joe - perhaps in another piece though... the last couplet is a good start...
