28 January 2014

day of sun

the north flows
west and east
in my arteries
as i lie by
in this waiting

as a nursemaid
puffing on smokes
in the parlor

i am an addict
for affections
wherever they can
be found

the south burns
east then west
in my veins
as i try my-
self to weeping

as a Sunday dress
flowing down a
perfect shape

i am an addict
of affections
whenever they may
be found.


  1. the more I read this, the more of it I want there to be. I'm not sure why but:

    as a Sunday dress
    flowing down a
    perfect shape

    always makes me slow down and inspect the rest of it again and again. Great piece.

  2. Daaaaammmnnnnn. This is great.
