21 March 2010

the deed never done right

this was new

he never let conscience or forethought creep in
he stabbed, he wiped his blade, he moved on

wouldn't slow down long enough
for it to sink in
moving quick, eyes darting, nervous
but never brave enough to admit it

i can feign it good enough to get close
and deal the blow
he thought

and he did
almost did
victims were always left maimed
the deed never done right
the dull, clumsy efforts of a novice

but now
he planned it
the angle and location of the blade
the distance to and from
the amount of strength and emotion it would take


still he stumbled and fell

plunging his blade in
to strike an artery

once again he had floundered
just nicking the vein


  1. I think that this piece is strong enough that it can have more than one interpretation. The best poetry isn't just about what the author intends it to be about right?

    To me this speaks about love and relationship. We try to get close to each other and make a real connection, and in a way that is like a duel, we're trying to get to the person's lifeblood, or artery. For me that's a clumsy process, and I sometimes feel like I cause hurt by trying to get close.

  2. Thanks, man.

    I actually think it means exactly what you think it means. I just didn't know it when I wrote it.

    When writing, I was actually trying to talk about the writing process for me. These last few months as I've been writing, I've seen myself approach it the same way every time...never actually able to communicate what I'm trying to communicate (the deed never done right) due to what I thought was lack in planning, but may in truth simply be a lack in ability. The piece never "killed" or written as well I as hope. Just clumsily collecting a few thoughts and stringing them together. This piece is about all that as well as being that. It is what it's talking about.
